Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Official Pick: Result

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Game transpired as expected. Leinster looked fairly rudderless and tired at this stage of the season. Might be a good time to start laying points against them. Toulouse outclassed them completely in the scrum. Cian Healy won't be looking back at this game with any fond memories and it is extremely worrying for the future of the Irish front row that he got beat up so badly.

Bit annoyed I didn't go with my instinct and take the bet against Munster as well but I decided to go no-bet because they are so inconsistent of late and Munster in Europe you just expect them to pull an extra 20% out of somewhere. Like Leinster they looked tired and this season has really taken its toll.

Official Result:

Toulouse -6 @ 1.9 - 2.5 units - Profit: 2.25 units

I'll be definately be taking a strong look at this weekend's Magners League fixtures. Everything will depend on the teams that are put out there with many teams having nothing to play for. I don't expect to see the bookmakers post any lines on these games until probably the morning of the games. So stay tuned.

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