Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 5 - Recap

I had no official picks last week because my betting roll for this month is negligible after a bad Week 4, also a long month pay wise with 5 weekends and Paddy's Day between payments. My 100% guarantee to you, my readers, is that any bet posted on here I will have backed. I wouldn't recommend anything to you that I don't have money on.

Wales v Italy - Wales ripped the Italians to shreds in Cardiff to end their 6 Nations on a high. The yellow card was again crucial which allowed the Welsh flair to overcome the Italian grit. Wales aren't a great side and this has been proven in this competition and they have a mountain of work to do before the World Cup to improve. Italy will be happy with their win against Scotland and their creditable results in other games.

Ireland v Scotland - what a let down this was for every Irish supporter. Johnny Sexton was great in the outfield but his kicking let him down big time and cost Ireland the game. You could see it in his face before he was taken off that his head was gone. Kicking is hugely mental and if your confidence is shot you can forget about it. I've no doubt he will be back and put the kicking right. Overall a good 6 Nations for him. Rob Kearney on the other hand needs to really sort his life out. One good season and now it seems he is more interested in been a celebrity than a top class rugby player. Terrible whenever he played in this competition. Speaking of which the whole celebrity culture seems to be taking over the Irish team, I'm sick of seeing them in nightclubs etc. during the biggest annual rugby competition in the world. Hit the gym, hit the training pitch, hit the film room but Keith Earls leading the Limerick parade 3 days before a shot at the Triple Crown, come on that's not right.

Well done to Scotland, they deserved the win on the day and the "Killer B's" back row is quickly becoming one of the most formidable units in world rugby. Glasgow will be a force to be reckoned with in the rest of the Magner's League. Scotland only lost by a max of 9 points in this competition to France. They easily could have won every other game they played.

France v England - France got the job done but they weren't overly impressive. But for once they didn't need to turn on the style - to quote a NASCAR driver their motto going into this one was "GIT ER DONE". England showed some potential for the first time in this one and Johnny Wilkinson's starting England job is gone. Toby Flood is the new man in possession.

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